As it is passed on to the human papilloma virus in both men and women, and you can get it in the house?

the human papilloma virus

The human papilloma virus (HPV) is the name of a group of viruses that cause different diseases. It is well-known, there are more than 100 different types. The pathogen is distributed throughout the world. To avoid infection, it is important for you to know how it's passed on to the human papilloma virus.

What is the HPV infection?

The HPV infection is a group of viral diseases causing the virus infection. At the moment, studied and described over a 100 types of the virus. Scientists have a long period of time, engaged in the study of the morphology of the pathogen, which made it possible to identify what kind of virus is that type of pathology that they cause. Separately, it was assigned to a group of HPV high-risk-of-Cancer.

Due to the fact that it is the HPV that primarily attacks the sexual system, with considerable attention to investigate the problem, to provide gynecologists. Talking about what is HPV in the therapy, it should be noted that the highest risk of developing cancer of the cervix of the uterus (womb). The experts have established the direct of the virus, and more specifically, of the 16 and 18 types are the result of the development of cancer, the process female reproductive system.

HPV – the way of transmission and infection

The papilloma virus is well-known for its resistance to the effects of environmental factors, and therefore, all the time, you can save the activity with the external environment. This demonstrates the ability of the pathogen to spread. However, the direct transmission of the HPV from an air-borne is not the case. Talking about how it is transmitted, and the virus of a papilloma of the person-to-person, doctors have to indicate your attendance is in direct contact with the skin and mucous membranes mucous membranes of a carrier of the virus.

The pathways of HPV transmission are manifold:

  • sexual
  • contact plyfit-in appliances;
  • a vertical one.

The most common way of transmission of HPV

the mode of transmission of HPV

For the first time, after hearing about this type of pathogen, the patient will often ask the doctor: is transmitted by the human papilloma virus in sexually-transmitted diseases. Doctors point out that this is the most common. According to the statistics, approximately 70% of all people presenting for sexually-active are carriers of a virus of a papilloma. If the infection can occur repeatedly throughout life.

The majority of men and women get HPV, even after a couple of months from the beginning of active sexual life. It is worth noting that, many times, it is the HPV related infections, and sexually transmitted diseases, however, infection is possible, and non-penetrative sex. The contact with the body carrying the virus can lead to infection.

The doctors call it, and the ways of infection for the HPV:

  • when the kiss;
  • when you have oral sex.

The HPV detection methods and infection in the home

Some infectious diseases include the consumption of the transmission of HPV. A percentage of the spread of the virus, it is small, however, it is not possible to completely eliminate such a possibility. The virus for some time and you can do the activity, putting them in a swimming pool, a steam room, so infection is possible, and in the common areas.

The infection in the home, it happens when you kiss, use the tools of self-care for the victim in PLACES. In such cases, it can increase the risk of infection:

  • the weakening of the immunity;
  • a violation of the rules of personal hygiene.

The risk of transmission of HPV

The likelihood of infection by HPV increases rapidly with the onset of sexual activity. In this way, the transmission is considered to be the main one. The experts highlighted a number of factors that increase the risk of hiv infection:

  • in the early beginning of sexual life;
  • frequent change of sexual partners;
  • the neglect of the means of birth control.

Individually, you have to say about the risk of hiv infection in children. In the majority of cases, HPV is spread to the child from the mother during birth. When you move on to the generic paths of the infection to the baby. Children are more easily able to tolerate the infection, but they are almost not expressed. In addition to this, joining together with mother's milk just to the antibody may occur in spontaneous cure.

As it happens, the infection of HPV?

The infection of HPV occurs through direct contact of a mucous membrane, the skin, genital. During the act of sex, lots of times when breaks the hair and damages the mucous membrane, which increases the risk of HPV infection. There are a few differences in the mechanisms of transmission of hiv / aids in women and men.

How is it transmitted human papillomavirus infection in men?

the virus of a papilloma

The likelihood of infection by HPV in males, is directly dependent on the number of permanent sexual partners. Frequent, uncontrolled sexual relations several times in order to increase the chance of infection. At the same time, the man in most of the cases, it is not a suspicion of the presence of the HPV virus in the body. As a result of the spread of the virus further. In 90% of cases of sexual intercourse occurs at the infection parceirosu, that is, before he was absolutely healthy.

As it is passed on to a woman, and the human papilloma virus?

Routes of infection of HPV in women are no different from those that are characteristic of the man. In the first place, it is on the basis of gender. However, the risk of hiv infection in women is increasing and some of the issues.

Among them, gynaecologists are:

  • in the early beginning of sexual life;
  • frequent change of sexual partners;
  • the implementation of the abortion;
  • trauma previous generations;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • stress;
  • the prolonged intake of oral contraceptives.

It is passed on to the child, and the human papilloma virus?

Aware of the presence of HPV in the body, women who plan pregnancy in the near future, question is forwarded to the human papilloma virus from the mother to the baby. Experts say that the risk of hiv infection in the child is there. However, in children, is rarely celebrated for the HPV, and methods of infection are different from those of adults. The transmission of the infection occurs during the stage of promotion of the fetus over of the generic drugs in different ways: the virus of the mucous membranes of the mother passes to the baby.

It is important to emphasize that the risk of such an infection is low. In the majority of cases, the child's body, it is possible to get rid of HPV for the first 2-3 months of life. This happens thanks to get into the mind-set of an organism, of antibodies that, along with the milk. The greatest risk for the HPV to children is, in the second way, the occurrence of polyps. These cases are very rare, and it is seen to be an exception.

Of the HPV – then how is manifested after an infection?

To learn about how it is transmitted human papilloma virus, many patients are interested in timescales for the onset of the first symptoms. The doctors can not clearly say it, as it quickly manifested itself after the infection of HPV.

Specifies the value for the following reasons:

  • the age of the patient.
  • the presence of chronic inflammatory processes in the body.
  • the state of the immune system.

In practice, the deadlines, the clinical manifestations are different in PLACES. The rise in the body, and the changes in the infected cells can be observed after weeks, and months. In some cases, the initial lesions on the skin in the groin area and the genitals, are detected in more than one year after the date of the contact, with the virus of the infection in the body. To determine the exact timing of the hits of the HPV in the body can be carried out on the basis of tests in the laboratory.

The signs of the infection of the HPV

The symptoms of the infection, HPV infection, manifested by the loss of the job. In the majority of cases, the virus leads to the characteristic problem of the skin loss. Patients are asked to record the appearance of an ordinary papillomas, and genital warts. Externally, the data of the growth resembling a cauliflower, hence, be confused with other skin manifestations is difficult.

Women are papillary to spread to pale pink they can be found:

  • in the area of the labia minora;
  • in the groin area;
  • on the just;
  • close to the outer orifice of the urethra;
  • on the eve of the vagina.

In some cases, condilomas, they are trained in the area of the anus, if the woman is practicing anal sex. The great expansion of such training, the result is bloody, powers, armbar, the sensations during the sexual act. Men with a similar education, is located in the region of the pubic area, the crotch, at least on the surface of the penis.

HPV vaccine after infection

You know how it is transmitted human papilloma virus, it is not always possible to prevent infection. After you have travelled for treatment in order to eliminate the rate of re-infection of HPV is to avoid any chance of a recurrence, the doctors and physicians of the vaccine against the papilloma virus. Vaccines they warn you in the development of the infection by the virus for more than 15 years of age and older.